
The Writing Algo

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The Writing Algo

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Do you want to develop and master a writing habit?

Do you need a reliable content system that works for you?

Do you want to develop a writing habit so you can build your brand and career?

Do you want to write many books easily to earn credibility in your field?

Do you want to write effortlessly and never run out of ideas?

Look no further

Many aspiring writers like you struggle to find the time and system to consistently produce high-quality content.

All you need is to master the "Writing Wheel".

This framework will help you develop and master your writing habits quickly.

What You Will Get

  • A Comprehensive PDF guide to help you develop your writing habit
  • BONUS - The Writing Algo Workbook to take your content from idea to publishing fast
  • BONUS – A short video tutorial to use the workbook
  • BONUS - A Short PDF Summary of the framework
  • BONUS - My strategies for transforming content into published books in 30 days to make money on Amazon
  • BONUS - Using AI to elevate your writing

This guide will help you develop and master your writing habits with ease and have a home for all your content.


But Why Should I Listen To You?

Great question!

I failed years ago when I tried to develop a writing routine.

It was hard.

I have documented my lessons and failures in this guide to help you avoid the same mistakes I made.

This strategy helped me write and publish two books in 10 months while working full-time. I have published over 200 articles across my blogs.

If I can do it, you can too.

These strategies and tools will help you develop and master your writing habits.

About the Workbook

I built the workbook in Notion.

Notion is free, user-friendly and simple to use. Here's what you need to get notion.so:

  1. Create an account.
  2. Download Notion (or use on the web)
  3. Duplicate the template. You can also customise the template to suit your needs


Money-back guarantee

We offer a 30-day money-back guarantee with no questions asked. If you're not satisfied with the course, simply contact us within 30 days of your purchase for a full refund.

Email me via banji@banjialo.com if you have questions.

About Me

I am a data scientist, career advisor, and author of two bestselling books.

Let's Connect

LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/banjialo

Twitter - http://twitter.com/banjialo

Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/banjialo

YouTube - https://youtube.com/@banjialo

Website - https://www.banjialo.com

I want this!
The Writing Algo PDF and EPUB
Notion Workbook
Video Tutorial for Workbook
PDF Summary of the Idea
Publish Your Book In 30 Days
Using AI to elevate your writing
Using Notion to track your social media posts
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30-day money back guarantee


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